1975 Imperial Colors

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1975 -> Paint Chips


DuPont Color Chips and Codes

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Chrysler Paint Names and Codes
A2: Silver Cloud Metallic J2: Platinum Metallic T9: Deep Chestnut Metallic
B2: Astral Blue Metallic B8: Starlight Blue Metallic E9: Vintage Red Metallic
Y9: Spanish Gold Metallic G2: Frosty Green Metallic G8: Deep Sherwood Metallic
J6: Avocado Gold Metallic L4: Sahara Beige Metallic L5: Moondust Metallic
T5: Sienna Metallic B1: Powder Blue W1: Spinnaker White
X9: Formal Black Y4: Golden Fawn Y6: Inca Gold Metallic
  K3: Bittersweet Metallic  


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