1954 Chrysler Imperial Magazine Advertisements

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 1954 Chrysler Imperial Advertising

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It is 1954. The Korean War has ended, and important car-building materials such as chromium are becoming more available, allowing a higher quality product to be made. Eisenhower is in office, and the beginnings of a national interstate highway transportation system, based on Ike's experiences in Europe with autobahns are in the works.

Chrysler ramped up its ad campaign regarding their top-of-the-line car for 1954, but Chrysler was to remain in 10th Place, just behind Cadillac, a manqu� that had never before been in the top-10 car makes for sales volume before. This was also the year that Chrysler opened its proving grounds at Chelsea, Michigan. These proving grounds would show up in future advertisements later in the 1950's.

The ads predominantly feature the car's luxurious interior and plush appointments along with an exterior shot of the body.

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