1981 Colors

How popular each color was.

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1981 -> Colors 



A1 Sterling Silver 1357 16.7
W3 Pearl White 1276 15.7
H9 Mahogany 944 11.6
C1 Daystar blue 883 10.9
T3 Manila cream 647 8.0
X9 Black 634 7.8
C9 Nightwatch Blue 547 6.7
M8 Morocco Red 459 5.7
H1 Light Auburn 429 5.3
K8 Spice Tan 338 4.2
F1 Seaspray Green 331 4.1
C4 Glacier Blue (FS) 170 2.0
H2 Medium Mahogany ? ?

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