Bart's 1975 Imperial

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1975 -> Bayrat75

Sent: 6/23/97

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The car was purchased new at Vineland Chrysler-Plymouth (now call Spirit C-P & Jeep-Eagle. The car has all available options, excluding the automatic sunroof. (has anyone actually seen one with the sunroof??).

They both drove the car, and kept it almost completely original, though some rust/wear from age is evident. The husband passed away in 1990, and from what I could gather, the wife drove it very little after that, as she was physically weak. She passed away in 1994, leaving the car to her son.

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The car sat unused in his yard (unfortunately un-garaged, which is where I believe it gathered the little bit of rust it has). In 1996, the late couple's grandson, interestingly born in 1975, inherited the Imperial after his car "died." He didn't fully appreciate the Imperial's elegance, opting instead to sell it and buy a Camaro(!).

That is where I come in. The aforementioned grandson was in a college class of mine, and happened to overhear a conversation I was having about Chrysler vs. Lincoln. He interjected about the Imperial, which he was planning to pull the engine out of to give a friend who had a Dodge Challenger(!!!).

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I asked him if he would consider selling it instead, he was happy to, and the car left the family for the first time. Unfortunately, timing for this opportunity was bad, as I will be transferring schools, and will have no place to store the car. I hate to see it fall victim to neglect, so I must now find a loving owner to purchase it. I invested in a battery, and a hubcap (which was a rather difficult find). I also gave a thorough bath, as it was aching for one.

Anyone interested, or who just would like to discuss these cars in general, email me at

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