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Tommy Schichtel's 1970 Imperial

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1970 Chrysler Imperial Home Page -> Tommy Schichtel

As I was driving in an area I seldom travel ... I noticed (what appeared to be) a black car that looked straight out of hell. I stopped and talked to the old gentlemen who said he drove it up from Tennessee back in 1996. "A doctor owned it! he said.." never did get pulled over by the poe-lice for going 120!....they musta figured he was on his way to an emergency." Needless to say I bought it on the spot. According to the old gentlemen, the car spent this entire time in Michigan in his barn, on cement on top of carpeting.....he never pulled it out untill five minutes before I stopped! I gave him half down, came back two days later with the rest and attempted to drive it home.....

About a mile into my ten mile journey back to it's new resting place, it started wheezing and coughing as if it was coming back to life, flat spots on the tires made the ride feel like I was on one of those throw-up kiddie rides at the carnival, the temp gauge started creeping up, the gas gauge was on empty, smoke started billowing out of the front end....about the time I began to ask my self "what the heck did I just do?", a guy came rolling up on my side in a newer Chrysler and motioned to roll down the window....thinking this was my first complement, I readied my ears for it's first wow when he yelled "Ever hear of the ozone layer?" I realized at that very moment this was no ordinary behemoth.....I proceeded to limp home, tranny slipping and sliding, antifreeze spraying the windshield....but deep down I was smitten like that first high school.....well anyway....I made it home and as if on cue like an old Laurel and Hardy movie, the car just about fell apart......I spent the better part of a month twisting a wrench whenever I could find the time.. "Morticia" now happens to be a big part of my commutes thru town as my other cars sit and watch...I have had more people come up to me in this car than any other car I have ever owned (almost combined!!!)....and I've owned a lot! I love the lines, the way it looks, rides and everything....but I really feel this car has a soul! This all coming from a guy who has owned old Ford's all his life! Rave on Morticia!

I should add that Morticia is a solid as a rock Black Tennessee car with 62,000 miles. She has full power, white leather and an 8 track player that was and still is housing

This page was last updated 25 November 2009.  Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club