Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1968 -> Limo -> Mike Olson's 1968 Stageway Limousine
Mike Olson, our own Club Member and Esteemed Curator of the very popular "Imperial Car Club" FACEBOOK page, now owns this very rare 1968 Stageway Limousine. These photos were received February 2012, and I am posting this to get Mike motivated to send us the story behind this unique Limousine and also the story behind his 1959 Imperial. Here is what Mike relayed to me: The car made it to Robert Soule's place in Tennessee and she shall stay there for the time being. After originally consulting Robert about it (since he has more than 1 Imperial Limousine, including another 1968) he was more than willing to shelter her for the time being. I'll make my way down to his place in the next few weeks for a further plan of action. Robert couldn't wait and washed the car and actually is outside now looking at it. He has a friend coming over to see if they can get her fired up on Saturday. I told him I wish I could snap my fingers and be down there. Oh well, the car is in great hands at the moment. Regarding this Stageway Limo: 1) The car was originally black. 2) The pop-up sun roof and padded roof are a post Stageway addition. of these days I'll actually write my story on the '59, to force myself to write a story about this one. Mike Olson
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We hope Mike will keep us posted on his progress with this unique Imperial Limousine.
This page was last updated September 13, 2012. Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club