1967 Imperial Promotional Models

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1967 -> Promotional Models

The Chrysler Corporation released a number of miniature 1967 Imperials for promotional purposes. They are now quite rare. Below is one that appeared on the eBay auction site in March 2002, and received a high bid of $214.50. The photo and text are by the sellers, Jeanie & John Acorn.

Flashy 1967 Black & White Imperial Promo Car
9" two door Imperial is all black except for the back part of the top is white. The bottom says: Full Size Comfort, 5 year 50,000 Mile Power Train Warranty, 36,000 Mile Lubrication, Self Adjusting Brakes, Aluminized, Rust Proofed Unibody, Made in U.S.A., Torsion Aire Ride.

If you have more information about miniature models of 1967 Imperials, please contact the '67 pages administrator.

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