../../../IML-specific/ Jon and Daniel Ricketson's 1966 Imperial Crown Coupe

Jon and Daniel Ricketson's 1966 Imperial Crown Coupe

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1966 -> Jon and Daniel Ricketson

Looks like a picture from a brochure!

Our 1966 Imperial Crown Coupe

Jon and Daniel Ricketson

July 2005

I just realized that it was two years ago – July 2003 – that I took the dive and bought my first-ever Imperial and first-ever restoration project (that 1960 VW Beetle I bought in 1973 for $75 doesn’t really count).   I bought this Imperial as a “father-son project” as my son Daniel was 14 years old in July 2003 and we needed a good project to work on together.  I had visions of the two of us working weekends and late nights in the garage together, me teaching him how to turn a wrench and the difference between a spark plug and a hub cap, him teaching me to appreciate his radio music and how much I really don’t know about restoring cars (two years later and he can list more that a few things that I’ve broken on the car while trying to fix it).  These goals were all achieved I’m happy to report.

So, here we are at the end of July 2005 and we’ve reached a real milestone in our project:  the exterior is done!  I say “done” meaning “done for now”.  I still would love to have the bumpers re-chromed someday but that’s not in the budget anytime soon.

I thought this exterior completion milestone was a good time to unveil our ’66 and share its beauty with the rest of the world.  I’m not much of a writer and I don’t even talk a lot so I will keep the descriptions here brief.  Someday, I may get inspired and write about all the crazy steps it has taken to get this far – like finding a new A/C Compressor and Clutch from someone in Texas, the select chrome and stainless pieces I needed and bought from Lowell Howe in California, the generous person on the Imperialclub mailing list who gave me a new front grill for FREE, many nice new hard-to-find pieces from Gary Goers, decals from Jim Osborn, carpet samples from ACC, headliner samples from SMS, misc. used parts from many members and referrals on Imperialclub,  incredible advise and technical information from the Imperialclub, good finds on ebay, and an amazing paint job by Maaco in New Bedford, MA (yes, Maaco!!).

Here are the pictures.  I’ll include a couple of “before” shots but mostly “after” pictures as these are our pride and joy!  Hope you like them too.  We would love to hear from any of you at jcricketson@hotmail.com with any feedback, thoughts or suggestions.


Must have had this rear quarter damaged and repaired at one time – with a poor paint job.

A little grill/body damage – previous owner “rolled into a telephone pole” – and he’s staying with that story.

These are our “new” cars.  The Imperial is in the heated garage – of course!


We had a little ceremony when we put the hood ornament back on – the final piece!

Beautiful new backup lenses from Australia – thanks George!

My pride and joy . . . and our car



This page was last updated August 1, 2005.  Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club