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A Black 1956 Crown Imperial Limousine


Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1956 -> A Black Crown Imperial Limousine


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********** UPDATE 2013 **********

One of our readers, Mr. Monetti, wrote in to tell us more about this very nice Crown Limousine, here's what he had to say:
I bought this car in 1985 and did a complete restoration. It became a Hershey Junior, Senior, etc, etc. It was fully equipped with factory air (six roof air registers).rear radio power antenna etc. It was the finest riding and running car I ever owned. It always drew a crowd. I enjoyed it for 15 years. It now resides with a good friend who has cherished it and is enjoying it. It is in the best of hands. I will always miss owning it. The build quality was the best. These cars were so rare that the front seat assembly was built by hand out of oak! Truly an American Classic.


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