WPC Club notes concerning 1930 Chryslers & Imperials

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1930 -> WPC Club notes

From: Tony Lindsey

The following are a few skimpy notes that I made in 1991 while indexing some back-issues of the WPC NEWS, the monthly newsmagazine of the "wpc", which is the largest Chrysler-Products club in the world. I strongly recommend that all Imperial owners belong to this club, for the sake of the classified ads and the club events. Back-issues may still be purchased for a small fee, and they are worth it. I particularly recommend buying any issues that mention "cover story" in the notes below. They will give you information about your car that you NEVER imagined was available.

There are 48 1930 Chryslers listed in the 1989 WPC Club roster.

150 Chryslers on a boat p29 (WPC NEWS JUN83)

1930-31 70 cover article 12 pages (WPC NEWS Mar77)

70 2dr PhotoMeet p31 (WPC NEWS APR89)

77 coupe p26 (WPC NEWS JUN79)

Rebuilding 1924-1930 Chrysler 6 engines p18-20 (WPC NEWS DEC82)

77 Roadster in Glidden Tour p18-19 (WPC NEWS NOV81)

77 cover article (22 pages) (WPC NEWS NOV79)

CJ Sedan photo p10 (WPC NEWS SEP79)

Model 77 Cover article (WPC NEWS Feb70)

77 Roadster p19 (WPC NEWS SEP76)

This page was last updated October 1, 2003. Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club