Online Imperial Club -> Events -> Northern Ohio Imperial Meet
April 15-17
Where: Bryan, Ohio, home of the world famous Etch-a-sketch! Attention all Imperialists.... Everyone is invited to the first Chrysler meet in NW Ohio. I am trying to put this meet together because of the large distance between the other meets. NW Ohio fills a gap in the Imperial meet locations for those who can't travel longer distances to the other meets. I am hoping for many to attend! I'm planning a few things for the weekend....check back often for updates. On Friday there will be the intital gathering of folks at my place in Polaski Ohio. We will have a meet and greet cook-out. We can spent the evening talking cars and driving each other's Imperials (or whatever else you want to bring). On Saturday, we can all hop in our cars and take a nice 30 minute drive to Auburn Indiana to visit the Aurburn Cord Dusenburg Museum. The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum is located in the original Art Deco building that was used by the Auburn Automobile Company as their showroom and administrative building. Upon entering you will view at least 100 vehicles and many other artifacts that make this museum one of the finest museums world known. After the museum tour, we will make our way back to Bryan and have dinner at our very retro 50's style diner. We can also tour through the Spangler Candy Company. This is the wonderful place where all the famous DUM DUM suckers are made. There are a number of places to stay while in Bryan. You can see a list of some Hotels here. Everyone is welcome and this will also be a family event as well so bring the wife or husband and kids and all are invited to have a great weekend. For more information, email Tony. Bryan, Ohio is located in NorthWest Ohio, nestled between Chicago and Detroit.