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9. Top and bottom side of body and underside of all fenders coated with under coating. (Under coating dampens road noises and retards body corrosion.)

10. Coat of sealer applied to entire body. (Sealer helps in creating greater lustre and durability in finish coat.)

11. Body again oven baked for 30 minutes at 250 degrees F.

12. Complete body again water sanded using #400 very fine sand paper.

13. Body completely rinsed with luke-warm water.

14. Body wiped with gasoline saturated rag, dry wiped, and cleaned off with turk cloths to eliminate all traces of dust.

15. Two complete coats of super high-baked enamel sprayed onto body wet on wet.

16. Body again oven baked for 30 minutes at 250 degrees F.

17. Body quality inspected for imperfections and refinished where necessary.

18. Two coats of color tone applied over basic color coat to cars receiving two-tone treatment.

19. Body oven baked for 30 minutes at 250 degrees F.


Additional facts pertaining to Imperial paint finishes:

------  Process time in the paint department is an average of eight hours.

------  Imperials are finished in 20 colors.

------  An average of four gallons of primer, sealer and finish paint are applied to each Imperial.

------  The highly skilled craftsmen assigned to the finishing of Imperial bodies include: spraymen, sanders, knife glazers, paint mixers, paint repairmen, and sealer men.

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