Imperial Homepage -> Repair -> Air Conditioning -> Evaporator
Question from Steve (1960):
I am in the process of trying to restore the AC of a 1960 Imp. I sent the compressor and drier off to Vintage Auto Air in Florida. This may have been a mistake. Has anyone had experience with them?
The rubber drain flaps on the Evaporator are of course, nonexistent. It seems that I have read past posts that these can be sealed up as there is already a drain tube. So my question is; Can these be sealed up and with what? Do I need to find replacement rubber for these, and where?
From Kerry:
Any handy rubber or gasket material will work. Even an old inner tube and silicone. Those 'flaps' allow fresh air into the car but actually just pull fresh heat from outside the engine. Several folks who have sealed them up noticed considerably colder air immediately.
From John:
Gary Goers has the rubber flaps. I saw someone mention sealing these up, but I'm not sure thata a good idea. Moisture that comes down below the windshield drains out of these. I've seen Imperials with those holes plugged with debris & holes rusted through the firewall.
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