Model 801: 1957 Imperials and later
Imperial Home Page -> Repair -> Accessories -> Gas Heater -> Page 6
is in line with guide on
casting. Tighten spark plug cap attaching screws evenly and securely.
Fit the rubber vent tube into the opening in the burner casting.
SWITCH (Fig. 14)
Do not remove the heat
exchanger unless it is defective and needs to be replaced or the
overheat switch requires service. The heat exchanger has no operating
parts and should only require replacement after prolonged use. If
replacement should become necessary, it can be removed as follows:
Loosen two clamps inside cover of heater housing and work the exhaust
ferrule free. Be careful not to bend the mounting brackets in cover
when removing the heat exchanger and shield assembly. Spread the
shield assembly by hand and let the heat exchanger slide out the
straight end. The overheat switch will then be accessible and can be
removed from inside the shield if necessary.
Inspect the heat
exchanger for evidence of leakage, dents, loose seams and interior
condition. The inside of the heat exchanger will normally contain a
deposit of lead and other products of combustion but this should not
be regarded as a defect unless the coating is sufficient to cause a
noticeable increase in the warm-up period of the heater. When such is
the case, the heater can be restored to its original efficiency by
installing a new heat exchanger. It is not recommended that any
attempt be made to weld or otherwise repair the heat exchanger. Clean
as much of the deposits from inside the exchanger as possible and blow
it out with compressed air. Replace entire unit if it appears
unserviceable after cleaning.
Inspect overheat switch
in heat exchanger shield for broken porcelain, burned or broken
wiring, loose or broken contact points or other visible damage.
Replace switch if such conditions exist.
35. THERMOSTAT (Fig. 14)
a. Removal
If the. thermostat fails
to control the duct outlet temperature, it is usually an indication
that the cam is loose on the helix shaft or that end of helix has
dropped out of slot in the control shaft. To correct this condition,
adjust the thermostat as follows: Inspect the helix to make sure it is
crimped tightly in the end of the control shaft. Fit the helix in slot
crimp shaft with pliers
if necessary. Leave thermostat on bench until the helix reaches room
temperature if it was removed from a cold car. Loosen alien set screw
in plastic cam on the base end of control shaft, making sure the shaft
is completely free to revolve and take its normal position at room
temperature (about 75 to 85� F.).
With the plastic cam
free on the shaft and the micro-switch down, move the control cable
linkage as far as it will go to the left and hold in this position.
While holding the linkage, turn the plastic cam in a counter-clockwise
direction until the micro-switch just clicks, then tighten the set
screws in the cam.
Do not disturb the
two screws which attach the micro-switch to the thermostat base.
b. Installation
When reinstalling the thermostat, insert the
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