Imperial Home Page -> Parts -> Vendors -> Reviews -> Pr-Antique Auto Parts
Below are a few reviews of Pro-Antique Auto Parts. If you would like to include a review of this vendor, please fill out our form and we will add your comments as soon as possible. Make sure to include your email address because we will not include your review without a verifiable address. After you write your review, you will receive an automated response from us which will confirm your email address and shortly after, your comments will be added to this page. Thank you so much for your participation! We appreciate your comments!!
From Arran:
For rubber parts I would try "Pro Antique Auto Parts"; they are located in Connecticut someplace. Andy Berbaum's has a habit of selling generic fit all types of rubber as factory spec and I have heard nothing good about Berbaums in this regard. Pro might not have everything you want but at least they do carry some Chrysler patterned reproduction rubber parts. They are accessible through the internet for inquiries.
From Harry:
My first purchase was fine for parts. My second was for 2 pair of rubber pillar door bumpers(which I thought was the rubber bumpers that go behind the door pillar striker plate.). When I called the salesman(person) wasn't sure what the part AW-188 was. The rubber bumpers i received were the small plug like rubbers that go in the door posts at $2.95 a pair + $5.95 USPS Priority shipping. Weight of 1/2oz would only be .37 1st Class Mail. These rubber bumpers can be purchased at most auto supply stores at .25-.50 cents each. Needless to say I wasn't to happy with this purchase, especially after my follow-up phone call resulted in my call getting hung up by???
The vendor review section of this website is provided as a means of keeping club members informed about practices and experiences concerning various providers of parts and services. This section contains unedited, unsolicited opinions expressed by members of an online car club. No attempt has been made to bias the opinions, or slant the number of viewpoints on one side or another. All opinions have been included, as supplied. If any vendors don't like the viewpoints expressed here, they are welcome to provide a rebuttal, which will be posted as well.
This page was last updated November 16, 2004. Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club