Below are a few reviews of Acme Headlining. If you would like to include a review of this vendor, please fill out our form and we will add your comments as soon as possible. Make sure to include your email address because we will not include your review without a verifiable address. After you write your review, you will receive an automated response from us which will confirm your email address and shortly after, your comments will be added to this page. Thank you so much for your participation! We appreciate your comments!!
Dick B. wrote:
Acme will sell direct to the public. By the way, this is where most of the convertible tops come from also.
(16 Feb 2007) R Glasser wrote:
Acme now insists it WILL NOT SELL TO THE PUBLIC, BUT ONLY TO shops.
It had sold me a top that did NOT fit, it was several inches short. Acme refused to make another, insisting its pattern could not be wrong. It refused a refund because of an unannounced (and, unwritten on my packing slip) policy of no credit if not returned within 6 months. I will be suing in Small Claims Court for the cost of making one from whole cloth.
(1 May 2008) Tiffany wrote:
Acme made a top incorrectly and quickly responded by sending a new top and paying for the reinstallation..... They admit when they make a mistake and take care of the problem promptly. I love the top made by them.
The vendor review section of this website is provided as a means of keeping club members informed about practices and experiences concerning various providers of parts and services. This section contains unedited, unsolicited opinions expressed by members of an online car club. No attempt has been made to bias the opinions, or slant the number of viewpoints on one side or another. All opinions have been included, as supplied. If any vendors don't like the viewpoints expressed here, they are welcome to provide a rebuttal, which will be posted as well.