Walking Across Egypt
Imperial Home Page -> Screen
Stars -> 1962
-> Walking Across Egypt
Ellen Burstyn plays an elderly, 1962 Imperial-driving
widow who takes in a troubled teen (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) from a juvenile
correctional facility.
Below are several still pictures from the movie. In order to play, just click any of the pictures below--click on a small
picture for a small (3.9 Meg) movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high
quality clip suitable for viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is
17 Meg. Left click to view the
movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and
selecting "Save Target As". If you need help viewing, go to our "How To Play Imperial
Movies" page. Enjoy!
Mattie (Ellen
Burstyn) walks from her '62 Imperial to the juvenile correctional
facility to visit Wesley (Jonathan Taylor Thomas). |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
Nice '62
Imperial LeBaron, in what looks like Silver Lilac. |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
A classic
American scene: a man, his dog, his gunsight taillights. |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
Later in the
film, Mattie comes to take Wesley away to stay with her for good. |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
While the
other boys look longingly at the 1962 Imperial LeBaron... |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
waves goodbye... |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
...and drives
off... |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
...into the
sunset. |
3.9 Meg |
17 Meg |
This page was last updated February 13, 2003. Send us your
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