Imperial Home Page -> Screen
Stars -> 1940-1954
-> Sabrina
Audrey Hepburn plays Sabrina, daughter of the chauffeur
to Humphrey Bogart, in this 1954 classic featuring a 1953 Crown Imperial
limousine complete with telephone and Dictaphone.
Below are several still pictures from the movie. In order to play, just click any of the pictures below--click on a small
picture for a small (10 Meg) movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high
quality clip suitable for viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is
81 Meg. Left click to view the
movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and
selecting "Save Target As". If you need help viewing, go to our "How To Play Imperial
Movies" page. Enjoy!
In this scene
early in the movie, Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn) sneaks into the stable of
cars and starts them all up in an attempt to kill herself...
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Humphrey Bogart, master of the house, hears the noise and comes in,
where he finds Sabrina. In this shot you can see the front of his
'53 limo. |
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Bogart on his
way to work in New York in the Imperial; note the large antenna for his
car phone. |
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All Bogart has
to do is push a button and up pops a Dictaphone! (Tape recorder for you
youngsters.) |
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One more shot
inside the luxurious 1953 Crown Imperial limousine. |
10 Meg |
81 Meg |
This page was last updated September 12, 2001. Send us your
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