The classic mobster film also includes a scene in Las Vegas with a classic 1954 Imperial limousine.
Below are several still pictures from the movie. In order to play, just click any of the pictures below--click on a small picture for a small (1.7 Meg) movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high quality clip suitable for viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is 9.9 Meg. Left click to view the movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and selecting "Save Target As". If you need help viewing, go to our "How To Play Imperial Movies" page. Enjoy!
Also seen in this movie (but not included in the clip or still frames above) is a 1953 Custom Imperial.
From IML member Quint Villanueva:
My car was owned by my brother-in-law who lived in NJ. He was contacted by the filming company at the same time they were contacting other owners of circa 1940s and 1950s cars. His car (my car now) is a 1953 Chrysler Imperial, green. It is not the limo in the picture posted on the Imperial site. If you review Godfather I, in the scene where they take away "Fish" (that was his Barney Miller name) they hauled him off on his one way ride in my brother-in-law's (now my) car. There were a couple of other scenes the car was in. I will have to look at the G-I film again and make a note of what scenes they are. Unfortunately, when my bro-in-law passed away, the documentation from the film company was lost. When we look at the film as a family my kids always stand up and shout "there's uncle Tony's (now my) car! Play it again dad!"
And now you know "the rest of the story!"