Imperial Home Page -> Screen
Stars -> 1959
-> F.I.S.T.
Sylvester Stallone plays a union leader and 1959 Imperial owner in this 1978 film.
Below are several still pictures from the movie. In order to play, just
click any of the pictures below--click on a small picture for a small (1.5 Meg)
movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high quality clip suitable for
viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is 12 Meg. Left click
to view the movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and
selecting "Save Target As". If you need help viewing, go to our "How
To Play Imperial Movies" page. Enjoy!
Sylvester Stallone, leader of the Federation of Inter-State Truckers, is warned late in the movie that it's "time to retire". |
1.5 Meg |
12 Meg |
Stallone heads back to his '59 Imperial. Is that a Crown 4-door hardtop? |
1.5 Meg |
12 Meg |
1.5 Meg |
12 Meg |
Driving off in the '59 Imperial. |
1.5 Meg |
12 Meg |
Here's the best shot of the 1959 Imperial. Too bad about those wheels and tires! |
1.5 Meg |
12 Meg |
This page was last updated January 21, 2002. Send us your feedback,
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