The Great Dictator
Imperial Home Page -> Screen
Stars -> 1926-1939
-> The Great Dictator
Charles Chaplin plays two characters, Adenoid Hynkel and a Jewish barber, in this satire on Nazi Germany. Near the end of the film, the Jewish barber, disguised as Hynkel, rides off in a 1932 Chrysler Imperial Custom Eight model CL convertible by LeBaron.
Below are several still pictures from the movie. In order to play, just
click any of the pictures below--click on a small picture for a small (2.7 Meg)
movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high quality clip suitable for
viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is 18 Meg. Left click
to view the movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and
selecting "Save Target As". If you need help viewing, go to our "How
To Play Imperial Movies" page. Enjoy!
Charlie Chaplin is the Jewish barber in this scene, impersonating Adenoid Hynkel and wearing the regime's "double cross" uniform. He and Schultz are about to make their escape... |
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| a 1932 Chrysler Imperial convertible. Apparently the movie crew "disguised" the car by removing its hood ornament. |
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When Hynkel (who's actually the Jewish barber in disguise) learns that he is supposed to be commanding the army to invade Austerlitz... |
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...he faints. Nice view of the back seat! |
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Here's a good view of the '32 Chrysler Imperial as it parades past the troops. |
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This page was last updated January 6, 2002. Send us your feedback,
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