Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

Imperial Home Page -> Screen Stars -> 1958 -> Attack

Dreadful movie, even by 1950's sci-fi horror standards, but some excellent footage of a 1958 Imperial convertible, as well as shots of a 1957/58 Plymouth wagon and 1957/58 Plymouth police car.

Below are several still pictures from the movie.  In order to play, just click any of the pictures below--click on a small picture for a small (11 Meg) movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high quality clip suitable for viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is 76 Meg. Left click to view the movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and selecting "Save Target As".  If you need help viewing, go to our "How To Play Imperial Movies" page.  Enjoy!



Our tragic heroine's first encounter with a giant space alien (the hand is all you ever see).  Some really unconvincing screaming in this scene.
11 Meg 76 Meg
The local police come back to the scene where Mrs. Archer's (richest lady in town, but soon to be 50 feet tall with the aid of sophisticated Gulliver's Travels-style special effects) 1958 Imperial convertible encountered the space alien.
11 Meg 76 Meg
Mrs. Archer returning home at night.
11 Meg 76 Meg
Mrs. Archer and her husband go on a long search for evidence of the space alien's "satellite".  Very boring, with dreary music, but excellent screen time for the '58 Imperial!
11 Meg 76 Meg



This page was last updated January 20, 2002.  Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club