(All Photos on this page are thumbnails click on small
image to view large one)
Day 1 Erik arrives Thursday evening.... He says his car
still needs a little cleaning... Keeping in mind this has been parked
outside for 2 years. He had managed to scrape a layer of moss off of the
exterior. We took the 2nd layer off with rubbing compoud and then did
the inside, which had powdery mildew on every inch of it. After 8 hours
in my garage till 2:30am it actually looked almost presentable...
You can see the area's we've allready used rubbing compound on. |
A couple of shots of the headliner, that's supposed to be Black
but it's covered with powdery Mildew courtsey of the Damp Northwest
Climate we live in! |
Day 2 I drag myself out of bed and go to work.... The first of our afternoon
cruisers arives at 1:30pm and brings me a wonderful 67 Brochure. Thanks
Rick! Everyone else show's up by 3:00pm. Lee's Coronet overheated yet
again, so he drives his new Dodge Truck. We drove up the Coast to Cape
Perpetua (about 15 miles) Gorgeous sunny day! Drop up to the top of the
point to an old World War II lookout and got some great pictures.
Looking South Towards Florence |
Looking Straight Down the Cliff |
Erik's Car in the Parking lot at Cape Perpetua |
Cruising back to Florence I snap a couple of shots of Erik's Car. |
If you Want to see more of this Scenery Join us on this year's Cascade
Loop. |
101 right along the Beach |
a small but neat bridge on 101 |
another shot of Eriks car on 101 |
On our trip back to Florence we stopped at the Beach below the Heceta
Head Lighthouse, There's a Fantastic Bridge, you look up at, a great view
of the beach and the light keepers house.
Front end of 40 Plymouth Pick up owned by Nancy and Robt Dillman |
Shot of Light Keepers house over 40 Plymouth Pick Up Hood |
Back Ends, with light keepers house in background |
Nancy and Robert Dillmans 40 Ply Pu with lightkeepers house in background |
Back Ends |
Erik's '67 Crown |
Eriks 67 scenic shot |
Cave Creek Bridge |
Erik's car under Cave Creek Bridge |
Erik's car on top of Bridge, just before entering Tunnel |
Sea Lion Caves |
Loren didn't make it from Seattle in time to go on the cruise. But he
was already at my house when we arrive back, this next batch of photo's
are his.
Loren Cleaning his 64 |
Erik Ariving back. |
Me arriving Back |
The 2002 Rhododendron Festival in Florence, Oregon last
weekend was a big
success even though there was only a small contingent of Imperialists
and a
smaller contingent of actual Imperials.
I left Seattle at 10:30 AM after a light drizzle when the streets
began to
dry. I drove the freeway south to Eugene, OR. and then took two
lane Highway
126 to Florence. I was blessed with bright sunshine from forty miles
of Seattle for the rest of the 400 mile drive.
I arrived in Florence with a two year old memory of how to drive
to Leslie's
house on the beach and no phone numbers but did manage to reach
town just
five minutes before Bob (Mr. Leslie) closed their dry cleaning business
the weekend.
Bob gave me a map to their house and the keys since Leslie and
those who
arrived earlier were off cruising up the coast to see some of the
sights. I
arrived at their house on the beach and unloaded my gear. When Bob
home I was cleaning the "Bugs of Washington and Oregon Collection"
out of my
grill. See Photo 1. Next year I am going to back down to Florence
in reverse
because the trunk lid will be so much easier to clean.
Erik arrived at the house next (Photo 2) and Leslie cruised in
in the wagon
(Photo 3).
Bob, Leslie, Erik and I had dinner at the local hot rod diner and
turned in
pretty early in order to be ready for an early start to the car
show on
Saturday morning.
After the show Bob and Leslie hosted our entire group at their house
on the
ocean shore for dinner. After dinner we loaded into Leslie's wagon and
Imperial for the annual old car cruise through Florence.
Photos 21 to 25 were taken during the car cruise. Harley Davidson riders
also flock to Florence for Rhody Days and were lined up three or four
on the sidewalks of Old Town Florence when we cruised through.
After two of three scheduled laps around town we headed back to the beach
arriving just before sunset. See Photo 25. Roger and Jan took their dogs
a walk on the beach (Photo 26) and joined us around an outside fire for
desert and a few Imperial Spare Tire Ales and Lagers. The party lasted
until after midnight.
Sunday morning we were treated to a breakfast that can't be beat prepared
a surprisingly bright eyed Bob. Gear was loaded, oil checked and goodbyes
said before time to head home at 11:00 AM. See Photo 28.