2010 Lowell Howe Junkyard Prowl
San Francisco Bay Area -- October 16,
Imperial Home Page -> Events
-> Lowell Howe Yard Prowl 2010
Meet in San Lorenzo (near
Hayward) at 15760 Via Cordoba at 9:00 AM or earlier for a 60-80
minute drive with other Imperial owners to Lowell Howe's Imperial Acres in
Ca. Return Mid- afternoon. Weather there in
October can be medium to very warm, so a light jacket and shirt-sleeves
are probably in order.
Lowell has over 250 Imperials that he is parting
You can see his spread here: http://imperialclub.com/Part/Yards/LowellHowe.htm
Lowell asks that any desired items be ordered from him in advance so
that he can have them ready for pick-up that day. He does not
generally pull items same-day.
- We are hoping to have a caravan of at least 10-15 Imperials
and will drive in chronological order. This was a big hit the
last time that we went.
- A giant Sub sandwich will be provided. Bring your own
- Lodging:
- Out-of-towners are encouraged to attend and can crash on the
floor at your host's place or would do well right down the street at
the brand new Hilton, which is a mile away:
- If flying, please book into Oakland Airport Friday
night (Oakland is a hub for Southwest Airlines). Please
write to coordinate a pick-up at the airport - I'm only a few miles
away if you don't want to rent a car.
- Gathering the Night Before:
- There will be a trip into San Francisco in Imperials the
night before for a dinner out if you are interested.
- Please RSVP
- Contact phone number (not at weird hours PST, please)
- Lowell
will NOT be selling parts on the spot. He will be accepting
orders beforehand for pickup that day OR accepting orders for parts to
be pulled and mailed later.
This page was last updated August 29, 2010. Send us your
come join the
Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club.